Monday, May 27, 2013

Tender and sweet

This little boy stole my heart.  He was so sweet, tender and curious.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Magical Engagement | Viscaya

What a magical place and what a magical couple.  They knew exactly where they wanted to go for their engagement pictures and were completely blown away when we got there.   Viscaya is truly one of the most beautiful backdrops in Miami and the perfect place to watch this beautiful couple have an amazing day filled with laughter, love and a few dance moves to finish off the night.  

I loved his sense of fashion.  Sebastian was so stylish...
But Cherese definitely stole the show...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Conquering the World...

There's nothing sweeter than a 2 year old boy in his brand new big boy underpants. Lucas is so happy that he's finally wearing superhero undies just like his big brother and I'm sure he feels like he can  conquer the world!

For better quality click on the image: 

Cleaning up the city one brick at a time!

Who doesn't like a warm bubble bath under the warm sun?  This kid is happy.

We finished the night with his most prized possessions.  He eats, plays, and literally sleeps with his Disney friends.  We were able to take one last picture while he was taking role call.  

Amazing 6

If you live in South Florida you must have a family beach photo session on your things to do list!    The Rios family were not going to make their big move away from Florida without having one last family fun time at the beach.  Rain or shine we headed to the beach and enjoyed a brief break in the clouds long enough to roll around in the sand, run through the water and take a few leaps off of a neighboring wall. 

It was a great time and we were able  to capture memories that will definitely make them smile in their new home.    For better quality click on the image: 

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