Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Silly for Love

"Oh so silly" was this weeks iheart challenge.  
He's definetely silly for love!

This photo was submitted to the I Heart Faces photo challenge – www.iheartfaces.com 

Photo Challenge Submission

Candid Photography - Love

As they strolled along the path pushing 8 month old Lucas in the stroller I couldn't help but wonder how we were going to capture their love on camera.  They love each other; you can hear it in their voice and in their glances as they give each other "the look" when they think no-one is looking.  But they do not practice public affection very often - not at all actually.   It was like pulling teeth (including the molars).  Put your arms around him, hold his hand,  lean against him, gaze into her eyes, just act like you're in love was my last desperate request... 

In between poses however, something magical happened.  When they thought I wasn't paying attention they laughed, threw Lucas up in the air, looked at each other and made some pretty funny comments under their breath (I couldn't hear them but judging on the loud chuckle she let out I can only imagine). I was able to capture some of those moments and now as I flip through all of the photographs those are the images that make me smile.  The ones that tell a story and give you a sense of who they really are.   

More and more I am becoming a fan of the candid picture.  The one that is not posed rather uncensored and filled with genuine emotions and interactions.  Don't get me wrong I know posed pictures are necessary to hang on the wall next to every school pictures and formal picture taken of life's event - they're beautiful to look at and I love to take those as well.  I am just finding myself drawn to the candid photographs that take me back to the exact moment when the picture was taken because they make you feel something and bring back memories down the road.  

Can't leave out the poses...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Iheart Faces: By the Book Challenge

The answer to my previous post is that I am an addict AND a nerd...  I still don't have any of my lenses and I am working with the broken down decrepit lens that I should have gotten rid of long time ago.  For some reason lenses to me are like shoes.  It doesn't matter how many you have you can't get rid of the old ones. I missed the photo challenge last week for Iheart faces and I decided I wasn't going to miss this weeks too.  Broken lens or not I was going to capture the moment!

It was the perfect sunny Florida afternoon. I had asked Jazmine to read a book for school and she obediently went to her bookshelf to pick one out.   I searched for her to make sure that she was reading and found her in our frontyard laying on the freshly cut grass soaking up the warm sun while reading her favorite princess book.   There's nothing like a great book to put a smile on your face.  

Photo Challenge Submission

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Oh my God...Am I an addict, or just a Nerd?

For the past 2 weeks I've been feeling like I'm missing my limbs. I know that's quite dramatic and exaggerated but I had to send my camera lenses off to get repaired.   Till this point I had not realized how obsessed I was with taking pictures.  I was left with a camera body and no lens and for some reason I have been feeling like so many moments have happened during these two weeks left uncaptured.  

In a very desperate move to satisfy my addiction I pulled out my very old 70-300mm 5.6 lens which is scratched, has been dropped numerous times and probably has a few microorganisms growing inside of it.  I know that I will probably not get many top quality photos from it but it's definitely better than nothing.  

I visited Flamingo Gardens again yesterday ( for the 10th time this year) and I can say I was able to get my fix and not go into withdrawals. What a nerd!  In the process of taking my first pictures the lens locked up on me and I had to focus manually.  For someone that relies on the Auto Focus feature of the lenses this was quite a challenge but looking at the pictures that came from yesterday I am excited to say I have learned something new.  Maybe it was all God's plan to teach me how to focus manually.  LOL!

Here are some of the unedited photographs except for the black and white ones of course....  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Favorite pastime - bird watching

On a personal note....South Florida is such a great place to live.  I really enjoy the activities, parks, gardens and our beautiful oceans.

In my spare time one of my favorite places to visit is Flamingo Gardens located in Davie, Florida.  It is a great and inexpensive place to take your little ones to walk around and bird watch.   If your kids are anything like mine they are obsessed with birds.  I visit it quite often and always try to reinvent the same pictures I have previously taken. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

A vintage session

Mathew is an adorable little boy who turned 3.  Last fall, I wanted to do a vintage birthday session with him wearing a newspaper boy hat and suspenders.  His mom loved the idea and we went forward  (I love props and telling stories with my images).  We met in Greynolds Park in North Miami Beach, a great park with lots of trees, a beautiful wood boat house and great big lakes.  It is the perfect place with lots of creative opportunities.  

One thing I learned is that when you photograph children you are at their mercy.  Mathew decided that he wanted to wear his fire truck boots that day.  I asked his mom to bring some of his favorite things but I didn't realize that he was so attached to his boots!  LOL... Having two little girls myself  I went with the flow. I let Mathew move along and explore the park.  I took a few pictures of him with his boots and then bribed him with a lollipop to take some of the rest with the vintage outfit I had for him.  Mathew was great and he was such a happy, vibrant kid.  I always try to make it a fun experience.  After all it is about capturing people at their best and as parents we want to capture our kids in their child like  essence.  

His fire truck boots.  If you can't beat them join them.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Family Portrait

When my sister asked me to do a family portrait I knew that I wanted to do a vintage portrait.  I wanted to create a story, one of a family waiting for the train on the side of the tracks.  There is a very nice area in Las Olas, Ft. Lauderdale that was perfect for the image that I wanted to create and safe enough where we didn't have to worry about a passing train.  I had a great time shooting them.  The youngest had an agenda of his own and we ended up taking the pictures in harsh lighting around noon but we had a great time.  

I love the feeling of the photo on the left.  I feel it tells a story far beyond its time.   

Monday, January 9, 2012

iHeart Faces: "Best Face of 2011" photo challenge

I find that listening to feedback pushes me to do better.  When I heard about the iHeart Faces website and their weekly photo challenges I became excited.   The site features a contest each week where professionals and amateurs can participate and have their pictures considered for the top 10 photos of the week. 

I took well over 25,000 pictures last year but I knew right away that I wanted to enter this photo of Jordyn (my youngest daughter).  She is a vibrant little girl who marches to the beat of her own drums.  Her smile lights up  a room but to get her to smile is not an easy task.  

Welcome to my journey

Welcome to the first post for my new blog.  I am a photographer who loves to capture moments.  I carry my camera pretty much wherever I go (as my family can attest to).  After some recent changes in my life I have had the chance to  pursue my love for photography.  I have been blessed with an amazing husband who supports me and has given me the ability to go down this road. I am striving to excel as a mother, wife and photographer.  I am far from where I want to be but with a lot of support, training and lots of practice I know it is a reachable goal.  

I was currently  inspired by a website I visited,  iHeart Faces, to start my own blog.  You see to enter you have to either have a blog or a Flickr account to publish your photographs.  Of course I felt the need to do both. I don't take myself too seriously and I am passionate about many things including my children, photography, and travel which my blog will include.  I hope you enjoy.  

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